was created in a bomb shelter. With this collection we want
to tell the world: Please, stop the war!
the evacuation of people️ and
humanitarian support

A simple donation. A few clicks on your keyboard.
Kashamba — hungry, angry cat. Also, raised money from “Ukrainian Kashambas” will be used to the evacuation of people️ and humanitarian support
Buy collectionFebruary 24, 2022. Lightning strikes, flames consume everything...
10 brave warriors came to help people. Every kashamba is unique. Every kashamba is loyal. Every kashamba brings justice…
In this terrifying time people need kashambas.
So it was decided to create a NFT-collection "Ukrainian Kashambas".
With this collection, millions of people around the world can help stop
violence and injustice. Just by making a donation, the funds will
go to help pets and civilians in Ukraine, because the Koshambas
want to restore peace.